
Saturday, March 7, 2020

About Brad Schmitt

Hello, my name is Brad Schmitt. I am from Freehold, New Jersey. I ended up at High Point University mostly because my brother went here. If he didn't go here I don't think I would have even heard of the school but I am glad he did because I have loved it here so far. 

I am currently a sophomore who finally declared as a Media Production and Entrepreneurship major after a long year of being undeclared and unsure of what I wanted to do. I did finally choose this major but I still have no clue what I would like to do after college. 

I currently sell knives for work and I really enjoy that as well, so having sales experience helps me feel like I won't be stuck doing things related to my major after college if I don't want to. I guess that my biggest fear getting ready to leave college and go out into the real world is being stuck doing something that I don't like but I feel like if I keep myself open to all experiences during college it will help alleviate that fear in the future, as I will accumulate a lot of experience in multiple different fields and give myself options in that way. 

As well as academic and work experiences that I have been a part of, I have also been a part of the club baseball team since I have been here at High Point University. Joining the team has been the single best decision I have made at the school. I have met some my best friends that I will have for the rest of my life on the team, and that is just a bonus on still being able to play baseball at a competitive level in college. Last year my class came in, making the majority of the team and a majority of the starters freshmen which is pretty uncommon for any team but we actually ended up winning our conference undefeated and being the runner up to win the region. Playing for this team has added so much to my experience at High Point University and I look forward to the rest of my time with them. 

Overall I love HPU and cannot believe that I am already almost halfway through! 
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Club Baseball Team link

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