
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 3: Supreme Court

This week, I will be talking about how the Supreme Court works to supplement our lecture in class about how our judiciary system was set up. The Supreme Court is our highest level of court, so any decisions that the justices make are final and cannot be reviewed by any other courts. I am going to dive into the topic and explain exactly how the court started and how it works.
2020 Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme Court has been around since the constitution was made as it states: “The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court.”. This also makes it the only federal court listed in the Constitution. The Judiciary act of 1789 had the official number of court members set at six but overtime this number had changed and eventually stuck at nine, via of the Judiciary act of 1869. it is really hard to getIt is really hard to get a case heard by the Supreme Court a case heard by the Supreme Court.. The Supreme Court receives around 10,000 petitions a year and only work on about 75 to 85 cases per year. They typically only take cases that they feel have a national significance and will affect more people then just those involved directly. With this, they'll try to take cases they will help answer questions like "Can kids pray in school?" or "Can you burn a flag at an anti-government rally?" in attempts to serve as many people outside of the cases as possible. They select what cases they will take via of the rule of four via of the "rule of four", which means that four out of the nine justices need to deem a case worthy of taking on, in order to take action. From there, they will have the lower court that last dealt with the case turn the case over and get to work from there. 

The Supreme Court is a very interesting system that our country has, but I think it's really good for everyone as a whole, so that people don't feel like they have no voice if a case doesn't go how they expected and they felt like a real injustice occurred.
Supreme Court building

how does the US Supreme Court work
Supreme Court video part 1
Supreme Court video part 2
wikipedia link
process of the court

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