
Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 5: Anti War

This week we discussed dissent in class, main regarding war, so fittingly we were given two links to websites that are very much anti-war and told to explore and share our thoughts. As Prof. Smith had expected, I have never seen or heard of either of these websites, so I really did have to explore to understand what I was looking at.

First I looked into the American Conservative website. This website isn't strictly an anti-war website as I was expecting it to be, but it does strongly advertise its section that discusses the military and war, which opens up into a whole separate section of the website in itself. I noticed that a common theme in the military section was corruption and this made me wonder why things seemed so bias, so I looked into the "about" section of the website and read more into what they were doing. As I read into the section I realized that the goal of the website is actually to be an outlet for journalists to post about unjust actions that they are happening in our government, so they are more or less being given a platform to call these things out. What I thought were bias, anti-war articles, were actually journalists who are simply opposing and shining light on unchecked powers in the government.

Next I looked into According to their website their main purpose is to keep Americans informed about our foreign policy and what we are doing in terms of war, especially overseas. They also have a format that gives the people a voice and allows journalists to post different articles that have relevance to these topics. This website has tons and tons of articles and they seem to add a lot daily. It seems like it is a really good source of information, yet we don't even know about the website.

I think we don't know about these sites, simply because our government doesn't want us to. This is kind of like what we talked about where our first amendment seems to be getting violated but unfortunately it is very hard to prove that these websites are being hidden from us.
The American Conservative

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