
Monday, March 9, 2020


For my week seven post about a technology that some one else did research on, I chose to talk about the iPod but I also found another topic really interesting and that topic is Netflix. Netflix is a cool topic for this because it isn't really a direct factor communication between people, in fact, it kind of ironically promotes the opposite where it wants people to be quite and watch the movies and shows it provides. Regardless, the story of Netflix seemed cool, so I wanted to do some research on it.

It all started when Reed Hastings had a $40 overdue balance on a movie called Apollo 13, that he rented from blockbuster. He thought "what if I didn't have to pay an overdue fee" then the idea for Netflix was born.

 founders Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph
Originally, Netflix was a service where people would rent DVD's through the mail. At that time, they wanted to stream movies online, but the] technology just wasn't there yet because downloads would just take way too time. In 2007 technology had finally caught up and Netflix began to offer an online streaming subscription service. Since then, the streaming service has grown and reached customers all around the world, but what people don't really know is that Netflix never stopped selling DVD's. The DVD side of the business is slowly winding down, but has still been a huge part of the company's business up until present day.

Netflix is an awesome company with an even cooler story and I can't wait to see how much they grow in the next twenty years of business.

Netflix origins
Netflix's growth story

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